
Truro Titans Youth Basketball Association Constitution, Version #1
 April 15, 2019
Article 1 - Name
1.1  The name of the organization is "Truro Titans Youth Basketball Association", hereafter referred to as the “Association” is a member in good standing of Basketball Nova Scotia (BNS).
1.2  The Association is registered with the Nova Scotia Registry of Joint Stocks as a Society. Registry ID # (3326947)
1.3  The Association’s representative colors are "Black, Red, and White"
1.4  For the purposes of transacting business, the Association may also be known by the acronym TTYBA.
Article 2 - Objective
2.1 The Truro Titans Youth Basketball Association, operating as a volunteer, not for profit organization, seeks to foster, promote, and coordinate competitive/representational basketball programming including practice, training, and developmental opportunities for registered players as well as scheduling competitive game play versus other club teams/programs located around the province of Nova Scotia for both girls and boys (7 to 9 years-of-age) who fall within the U10 Jr. Mini Basketball age division guidelines.
2.2 The Truro Titans Youth Basketball Association will also provide competitive/representational basketball programming including practices, training, and developmental opportunities as well as opportunities for competitive game play for any players, parents, or coaches in the community that specifically request the chance to field competitive basketball teams and programs for players falling within the U18, U16, U14, U12, and U7 age divisions on an as needed basis or at the discretion of the Executive of the Association.
2.3 The Truro Titans Youth Basketball Association will provide competitive/representational programming including practice, training, developmental, and game playing opportunities for athletes living in the general community of Truro/Bible Hill, Nova Scotia including the surrounding geographical regions of: Valley, Salmon River, Greenfield, Truro Heights, Hilden, Brookfield, Onslow, Great Village, Bass River, etc.
2.4 The Truro Titans Youth Basketball Association will promote the benefits to players of meeting fitness goals and leading a healthy lifestyle as well as the merits of hard work, motivation, dedication, personal accountability/responsibility, and commitment as well as the importance of fundamental skill development and the promotion of sport specific skills.  The Association seeks to provide young people with the opportunity to learn valuable prosocial competencies including leadership skills, sportsmanship, friendship making skills, respectful behavior when interacting with teammates, coaches, officials, and opponents, teamwork, communication skills, and related life skills.  Prosocial competencies are modelled and reinforced by coaching personnel through sport in a developmentally appropriate peer setting. The Association strives to make playing basketball a fun and enjoyable experience for all individual players, as well as coaches, executive members/directors, officials, and parents.
Article 3 - Membership
3.1 The membership shall consist of:
.1 All players, male and female, registered to play basketball for the Association in accordance with Basketball Nova Scotia (BNS) by-laws or specific Association restrictions, and their parents or guardians.
.2 All persons registered as coaches of the Association.
.3 All persons serving on the Association's Executive.
3.2 Members shall receive all rights of participation in association activities as prescribed by the Association until such time as they no longer meet the membership qualifications, fail to provide the appropriate fees, or are deemed to be dismissed due to discipline or other inappropriate activities as prescribed by the Executive.
3.3 The record of all active members will be maintained by the registrar.
3.4 The Executive reserves the right to restrict membership, if deemed necessary, due to the number of players registered, the availability of coaching volunteers, and the availability of practice facilities/venues and sport equipment to support competitive teams.  New and returning players may be placed on a waiting list if the number of players exceeds the capacity of the Association to establish competitive teams and programs.
Article 4 - Executive
4.1 The Executive of the Association shall consist of the following elected members:
.1 Coordinator/President: The Association Coordinator/President is responsible for the overall operations of the Association, by ensuring the by-laws are adhered to and that activities are coordinated and offered in line with the Association's guiding principles. He/she shall preside at all meetings and sign all official documents and will represent the Association at official meetings and act as official spokesperson. Although the executive will provide guidance and decision-making on most matters, it is recognized that in cases of urgency or in minor matters, the President shall have the power to act on behalf of the Association. The President has the authority to create Committees or positions to action specific issues or to create certain policies, procedures or guidelines to be brought forth to the Executive for approval. The President shall keep an accurate record of the proceedings at all meetings. He/she shall notify the members of appropriate meetings, and keep an up-to-date list of the Executive.  The President shall be one of the signatories for the Association.
.2 Vice-President: The Association Vice-President (VP) shall act on behalf of the President at various times when the President is unavailable and may oversee specific areas within the Association as directed by the President and the Association Executive.  The Vice-President shall provide shall provide advice and guidance to the President and Executive.  The VP shall have signing authority.
.3 Treasurer/Financial Director:  The Association Treasurer/Financial Director shall maintain the financial records of the Association. He/she shall submit financial statements at Executive meetings and provide an annual report of the Association's financial position. The Treasurer/Financial Director is also responsible for all banking related activities. He/she must be one of the signing authorities of the Association.
.4 Members-at-Large: Members-at-Large constitute up to three elected positions who have voting powers, however, Members-at-Large are not specifically assigned duties but are expected to provide direct support and involvement in the Association's operations including providing advice and guidance to the President, Vice-President, and Treasurer/Financial Director. It is recognized and acceptable that a member may occupy more than one position on the Executive and within the Association’s structure, however the member would be entitled to a maximum of one voting right.
.5 Registrar: The registrar shall plan the annual registration and keep an accurate account/record of persons registered in the Association and shall provide such a list to the President/Vice President and to Basketball Nova Scotia (BNS) as required.
.6 All executive positions are for a term of two years, however it is anticipated that persons will accept such positions with an expectation of offering for a longer term.
Article 5 - Powers of the Executive
5.1 The Executive is the primary decision-maker for the Association and can prescribe such policies and procedures to provide guidance in the operations of the Association.
5.2 The Executive of the Truro Titans Youth Basketball Association has the right to remove any member of the executive, coach, assistant coach, or manager for what is deemed inappropriate or objectionable conduct, either morally or financially, by a majority vote of the Executive.
Article 6 - Other Positions
6.1 The President or Vice President may appoint the following positions annually to allow for the effective operations of the Association, although such positions are not deemed part of the Executive:
.1 Gym/Facilities Coordinator - The gym/facilities coordinator through liaison with facility managers, will oversee the scheduling of gyms for team practices and games.
.2 Division Coordinators - The division coordinator are responsible for the coordination and operation of specific divisions (e.g., U14 Division, U12 Division, U10 Division, etc.). Their duties include coaching recruitment, the organization of teams, scheduling and opening and closing activities, and helping to run the player selection process.  Also maintains contact with coaches throughout the season.
.3 Communications Officer - The communications officer shall maintain the website and deal with internal/external correspondence to the membership, media & the public
.4 Technical Director - The technical director shall oversee and ensure the delivery of basketball development clinics for players and coaches.
.5 Equipment Manager - The equipment manager shall oversee inventory control and purchasing/repair of uniforms and equipment for the Association.
Article 7 - Meetings
7.1 Meetings shall be called by the President or Vice President with reasonable advance notice, stating the time, place and expected agenda. At least two meetings shall be called annually, generally considered to occur at the beginning and the end of the established playing season.
7.2 Special meetings may be called by the President or Vice President as deemed appropriate to deal with specific business of the Association.
7.3 The Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Association shall be held within sixty (60) days of the end of the basketball season, for the reading of reports and election of officers/executive members for the following season. The Executive Board will hold additional meetings throughout the year to administer the affairs of the Association.
7.4 A special general meeting may be called by the Executive at any time, providing reasonable notice is given.
7.5 A special general meeting shall be called upon written request of 20% of the Association membership.
7.6 All matters of policy of the Association shall be decided by the consensus of the Executive. If consensus cannot be agreed upon as determined by the President, a vote shall be held with a simple majority deciding the issue. In the cases of a tie, the President shall have the authority to break the tie.
7.7 A portion of the Executive members will constitute a quorum (i.e., three members), and all attending Executive are provided one vote, with no absentee voting allowed.
7.8  All General Meetings will be open to the membership, however attendance at Executive meetings would be limited to Truro Titans Youth Basketball Association or by invitation.
Article 8 - Managers and Coaches
8.1 Managers and Coaches of competitive teams shall be selected and approved by the members of the Executive or the selection of Managers and Coaches may be delegated to a selection committee or Division Coordinators.
8.2 Managers and Coaches shall be responsible for their team's conduct, their own conduct and wherever possible the conduct of team supporters. The Association expects all players, coaches, and managers to act in a responsible, respectful, and mature manner.
8.3 The Managers and Coaches of competitive teams will select their Assistant Coaches, but the selection is subject to review by the Executive, should such a review be warranted.
8.5 Background checks are required for all new Coaches, Assistant Coaches, and Managers: 1) Child Abuse Registry Check:  This is a search of the Nova Scotia Child Abuse Register conducted by the Department of Community Services; and, 2) Criminal Records Check, including Vulnerable Sector Check.  This a search conducted by the RCMP.
8.4 The Managers and Coaches of competitive teams will select their players, with the selection subject to review by the Executive, only in such rare instances whereby there is an allegation of procedural misconduct or a flagrant disregard for fairness. The Association recognizes that such player selections are often difficult and subject to individual opinion, however, the Executive supports coaches in this area and will intervene only in situations of serious allegations.
8.5 The Managers and Coaches of competitive teams will schedule evaluation sessions (e.g., scrimmages, practices, games) to help evaluate players on the basis of selection criteria for competitive teams that might include player skill level, experience playing basketball, age of the players, physical development of athletes (e.g., size and strength), athletic ability, and player attitude, effort, and motivation, etc.
8.6 Competitive teams will be tiered/leveled based upon the skill level, years of experience, athletic ability, age range, and physical development of players comprising a given team.  More than one competitive team can be established for a given age division (e.g., U10, U12, U14, U16, and U18) depending upon the number of players registered to participate on competitive teams and also the availability of coaching personnel to organize and coordinate competitive teams.  For example, there could be a Tier 1 U10 Jr. Mini competitive basketball team, a Tier 2 competitive Jr. Mini U10 competitive basketball team, a Tier 3 competitive U10 Jr. Mini competitive basketball team, and so on.
8.7 The Managers and Coaches of competitive teams have the option to invite members of the Executive or broader association (e.g., Division Coordinators) to player evaluation sessions to help with the selection of competitive teams and to assist with the assignment of players to leveled/tiered teams
Article 9 - Financial Policy
9.1 The Executive shall decide all matters pertaining to the finances of the Association as outlined in the annual budget, including the setting of fees.
9.2 Funds will be dispersed (i.e. cheque signing authority) on the authority of any two (2) of the Treasurer/Financial Director, President, or Vice President.
9.3 The President, Vice President and Treasurer/Financial Director have discretionary powers of expenditures for emergency situations, however the President, Vice President, and Treasurer/Financial Director shall report these expenditures as soon as possible to the Executive.
9.4 All funds raised shall be used for the purposes of the Truro Titans Youth Basketball Association and the executive shall set fundraising guidelines for all members to follow.
9.5 An annual financial statement shall be produced and publicized for all members where practical.
9.6 Any audit or review of the financial documents can be brought forth by motion allowing for a reasonable time to produce such records, unless directed by law.
Article 10 - Rules
10.1 The Eligibility, Tournament and Playing Rules of Basketball Nova Scotia (BNS), as issued each year through the Office of the Executive Director, shall govern the playing of all competitive games in all divisions, sponsored by BNS. Exhibition games will follow the BNS rules. Tournaments and competitive games sponsored by Truro Titans Youth Basketball Association will use the above rules along with their own association rules.
10.2 The Association reserves the right to modify or alter certain rules for local house league operations through local policies approved and adopted by the Association as long as they do not materially alter the game or be in material violation of BNS standards.
10.3 The Association shall play competitive club basketball games provincially in accordance with playing rules outlined by Basketball Nova Scotia (BNS) in accordance with guidelines established for a given age division (e.g., rules/guidelines/policies for game play with the U10 Jr. Mini Age group).
10.4 The Association will offer several 3 vs 3, house league/jamboree basketball playing opportunities for players in the U10 Jr. Mini Age Division (Ages 7-to-9 years).
10.5 Competitive teams with the Association will practice two or more times per week at the discretion of Coaching personnel and contingent upon the availability of practice facilitities
Article 11 - Registration of Association
11.1 The Association shall register each year, in accordance with the Basketball Nova Scotia by-laws.
11.2 The Association must be a member in good standing with the Nova Scotia Registry of Joint Stocks Companies. The Association must file an annual financial report, as well as an updated list of directors, after each subsequent Annual General Meeting.
Article 12 - Affiliation
12.1 For the purposes of discipline, eligibility, rules, dispute resolution or any issue not specifically covered by this Constitution, the Association may utilize protocols established by Basketball Nova Scotia.
Article 13 - Amendments
13.1 This Constitution or any section thereof may be amended or repealed by a two-thirds vote of the Executive present at any stipulated meeting, provided, that notice of such proposed change or changes shall be read at a scheduled meeting of the Executive, and that a copy be mailed to Basketball Nova Scotia (BNS) at least 15 days prior to the meeting at which the proposed change or changes shall be submitted for vote.
Article 14 - Dissolution
14.1 If for any reason, the Association ceases to operate for more than two (2) consecutive years, any assets shall be dispersed by the last sitting President of the Association to a registered charity with some relation to child wellness or to Basketball Nova Scotia.

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